Events Archive

This section records details and pictures of various events in which the club has been involved

British Car Day 2013 Sunday 9th February

This year's British Car Day was held in unusually inclement weather for this time if year, nevertheless a significant number of cars braved the elements and put on a good show. About 25 MGs of various models were lined up in an avenue leading to our marquee which contained a display of what our club is all about and the various models of the marque over the years.The MGCC Brass Band

With our banners and flags and even a brass band the MG Club site was obviously streets ahead of anything else on the paddock but, nevertheless the shield for the best club display went to the five cars of the Singer Car Club. Even their representative was completely bemused as to why they'd been chosen. However Anne Armstrong did get the people's choice for best car and Paul Chipp scored a spot prize!

Southwards Day 2013 Sunday 2nd March 2014

Sunday turned out to be a nice day for the annual Southwards Open Day and a team arrived early to help set up. Ross, Michael, Chris & co. had turned up Saturday afternoon to set up the marquee so we had secured our spot just inside the gate. A large group assembled the new gazebo, which involved much head scratching, orders shouting and general staggering about, but they got there in the end, and it was useful shelter in a hot day. MG’s of all models straggled in over the next hour or so and it was great to have the ‘M’ type there as this generated much interest amongst the public. We were able to group the MGs pretty much by model and the two dozen or so cars looked great amongst a forest of MG flags backed by the marquee. In fact we were really the only club that had managed to get all their cars together in a group display. While there were a huge number of classic cars at Southwards, I rather felt that the numbers were down somewhat on last year. The American Car day in New Plymouth had certainly drawn quite a few away.

The star of the show had to be the 1938 Mercedes 540K parked outside the museum. Ordered especially by Hitler to be a gift for the Duke of Windsor once Hitler took over Britain, the car is a one of its kind and valued at around 12 million dollars. Out the back the workshops were open and some mouth-watering restored vehicles on display. For those more interested in models there were a number of radio-controlled boats of every kind and sort operating on the lake.

The small green at the rear of the main building featured a group of beautifully restored early 1900s veteran cars which were part of a national rally. In all, a wonderful day. I’m hanging out for next year’s!

After the pack out, a bunch of members armed with meat and other refreshments repaired to Chris and Wendy Ward’s for a beautifully cooked barbecue. Wendy, the consummate host, had everything superbly organised and Chris, resplendent in apron, cooked the steaks to perfection only managing to burn a couple of the sausages. Well done guys, a perfect end to a great day!

Tuatara Brewery Tour 4th May 2014

On a not so great Sunday lunchtime around 18 members, one dog and 12 cars assembled at the Tuatara Brewery in Paraparaumu. The weather in Paraparaumu was considerately better than Wellington when I left and, sadly it was top up for the drive there, something I generally don’t like to do. When I arrived the organiser, Michael Shouse was presiding over a traffic cone-decorated carpark and busily marshalling cars. We pretty much filled the brewery forecourt so it was a good showing. The tour was preceded by a fascinating talk on the history of beer – which, it seems, started with Mrs Ogg who left out in the open, her porridge meal for late returning menfolk. By the time they arrived, some days later the porridge had fermented and turned into the beginnings of beer – much enjoyed by the menfolk who ordered a repeat performance!! The talk, given by one of the original founders of the brewery covered the evolution of the brew and its impact on politics and economies throughout the world. Then it was off to the brewery itself, weaving amongst giant tanks, hoses and other equipment. By the time we got back to the bar the tables were set out with tasting trays containing samples of Tuatara’s most popular products. Those who had ordered lunch had some very excellent food (great pizzas) and a pleasant hour or so of chat and sampling ensued. Michael has offered to make this an annual event!!

2014 National Rally Competitive Event Results

Results for the National Rally Concours etc may be found HERE

British Car Day 8th February 2015

This year’s British Car Day was held on a very pleasant Sunday 8th February. A good group of members showed up around 8.30am and in no time the marquee was up with flags flying and looking great. Unfortunately our gazebo didn’t go up quite so easily but with a lot of struggling and arguing (and the occasional bit of colourful language), we got there in the end. At that point MGs started arriving in what turned out to be quite large numbers. In fact it was a record turnout for us with around 40 cars finally assembling. We arranged a display of V8s leading up to the marquee in a vee formation and these generated much interest with the general public. The day attracted a good turnout of classic British cars although perhaps down somewhat on previous years. Our club again arranged for a brass band to play an hour or so of good old British music, however it seems the British Car Club unfortunately, told them not to turn up until around 2.00pm by which time people were starting to head home. In all however, another good day amongst some great British cars.

Pre-56 Rally Feb-Mar 2015

A series of Excellent pics and video clips can be found HERE

Easter Rally April 2015

Results from the Easter Rally can be found HERE

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